What an experience…

I will not give up, it’s not as easy as it looks – I was going to try no matter what. Skiing that is..  During my first attempt down the bunny slope, I fell several times even almost taking down my cousin and another skier. I lost control, fell again, could not get back up, took off one ski then lost it in the process when it went sliding down the hill without me. My cousin went after it which was hilarious and as I sat there all I could say to myself was, “Next time, I’m taking a 3 hour beginners course.” :giggling: It’s not easy being taught by others when they are there to have fun and not have to waste time trying to explain in several different ways how and why to position your blades a certain way. I was already frustrated and a little annoyed at myself. I desperately wanted to get the hang of it quickly. Why, why why!?  Everyone looked so in control and were having so much fun.  I wanted to be doing what they were doing.  I know practice makes perfect but at this point, my wrist were on fire and I was in pain so I decided to stop out of fear that I would break my wrist.  I found a place to sit and just watched in amazement.  What a great experience and I can’t wait to try it again.  I will not give up!!

Today, I go snow tubing! I can’t wait.

Until later… Peace & love xox

As I wait in Gate H…

It seems like the other day I was waiting in Terminal D waiting for a flight and now I’m back just sitting and waiting – why yes, I’m leaving for a few days again — but who’s complaining. I love to travel.  I don’t need an excuse.  On this trip I will be battling the freezing cold in the mountains — I’m going skiing.  It’s my first time and I can’t express how I’m excited I am.  I’m thrilled – but as I look at the weather report the temps are continuing to drop.  Oh my, I’m going to freeze my ass off. 😉 Who cares, I have plenty of clothes and hand warmers..LOL  Can we say snow angels!? YAY!!

Wish me luck…

Until next week.

Peace & Love xoxo

A simple letter…

My dearest,bluebird_with_love_letter_postcard-p239946598323051948en8sh_325

I don’t know why it’s so hard to talk to you.  I don’t know why I fear your thoughts.  I don’t know why I get a knot in my throat when you ask about my feelings. I don’t know why you make me question everything. I don’t know why you make me happy, sad, and angry – sometimes all at once.  I don’t know why you love me.  I don’t know why I love you.  I don’t know if you’re a blessing or a lesson.  What I do know is that I wouldn’t change you for the world.

I belong with you, you belong with me
You’re my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me
You’re my sweetheart

With love always,

Peace & Love xox


How do you write about something without revealing or saying too much? Is that even possible!? Yes, no, maybe!? Hello, anyone? Out of respect, I have chosen to stay mum hence turning my noise into silence.  I’m not good at keeping quiet when I want to express my thoughts, feelings and opinions. Has this happen to you? What do you do?


It’s not easy if you ask me (biting my tongue), perhaps that’s the reason some people don’t talk to me; out of fear that I will write about their issues. Why not? You are not alone, everyone has or is going through the same and/or similar struggle, I’m just the voice who wants to share her opinion. Maybe later I will write about it but for now…

Knowing what I know, I will not betray my friends wishes.  In this case, silence is golden.

Until later…

Peace & Love xoxo

Happy New Year!

It’s the year 2013 – quite amazing if you ask me.  It’s a new year and a fresh start to do it all over again… Wishing everyone a wonderful year full of love, happiness, health, and prosperity.  May you have new hopes and promises and may all your wishes come true.  Never forget you have the power to choose how your story will begin and end. Don’t be afraid to rock the boat! Be happy, laugh out loud, scream, and eat jelly beans.  It doesn’t matter what you do, just smile and always remember that things happen for the best.

20130101-232041.jpgLive life to the fullest.  No regrets, just lessons learned.

Peace & Love xox