Embracing the new me…

Nothing that takes work comes easy especially when it comes to weight loss. It’s been eight weeks since I gave birth and I’ve been trying to lose the extra 25 lbs I gained.  It’s frustrating not seeing the weight come off and quickly as I had hoped but I am staying positive.  In the meantime, I am embracing the new me, embracing my new curves.  I was feeling down and completely disgusted with myself until I talked myself out of it.  I was being ridiculous, the body changes with a pregnancy and I have to accept it. I shouldn’t be complaining considering that I had a great pregnancy and my total weight gain wasn’t as bad as some of my friends that averaged a weight gain of 60-80 lbs everyone is different.  I only gained 40 lbs and now only 25 lbs from my postpartum weight.  I will continue to eat clean and exercise until I see the results I want.  Besides, it did take nine months. 😉

I’m not going to lie, it’s also been very depressing not having anything to wear.  Yes, I’ve said it, “I have nothing to wear!”  I sound like a typical woman standing in front of a closet lined with clothes from one end to the other.  The problem is that I don’t have a closet full of multiple sizes, I don’t believe in that anymore.  At one point in my life, I use to have several sizes considering my yoyo weight loss/gain and I never worried because I always had something to wear but one day I changed all that and I cleaned house.  I didn’t want to fall back into that bad habit.  Once I lost the weight, I wanted to keep it off and I did. Well until now, that I have a little extra. ::wink::

Wearing clothes that fit right makes all the difference so I went out and bought a few outfits in the meantime considering my mood.  Needless to say, my shopping day was depressing but much-needed.  Despite the larger size, I feel great.  I’m embracing my new curves and embracing the new woman I see standing in the mirror.  It’s been such a wonderful experience so far and every time I look into my beautiful baby boys eyes I fall in love all over again.  At the end of the day, it’s just excess weight because I hold the most important gift in my arms everyday and for that, I am truly blessed and grateful.


Note to self: Beauty is not defined by SIZE.

Until next time…Ciao

My Boy

My beautiful baby boy turned two months today.  Where is the time going? It feels like just yesterday they were placing him in my arms for the first time. I can’t explain how much joy and happiness he brings me. He is so wonderful.  ::happy tears::

photo-13It took me longer to build and set him up in this super seat deluxe thing than it took to take the actual pictures.  I was only able to get these two shots before his head starting bobbing all over the place and he started crying. Note to self: Brace yourself, this is just the beginning. Welcome to parenthood. 

Oh and another thing, why does everything have to be built? Yikes!!

Until our next adventure… Ciao

Simply trying…

Trying to get back into the groove of daily writing being a new mom is proving to be a little difficult. Some days, it feels like my mornings are my nights and my nights are my mornings. Can someone please tell my son there is a difference! No wonder, the first advice given to me by everyone was, “SLEEP WHEN HE SLEEPS.” Oh believe me, It’s easier said then done but I try my best.  It’s only been 8 weeks since I gave birth so I am still adjusting to all the changes. It’s definitely not easy but well worth it.

It’s this moment…

photo-7I am totally in love with my son. I love looking into his big eyes. I love hearing his goos and gahs. I love seeing him smile.  I also love when he puts his sad face.  He is adorable.

photo-8My little big guy has my heart.

Simply trying…Until next time.


What’s new with me…

Where do I begin? It’s been so long since my last login that it took several tries before I could actually log in. (Yikes)  I swear, I have a million and one thoughts running through my head.  It’s a mad house. LOL

What’s new with me? Well… I have the best news to share.  I became a MOTHER.

I can’t explain how scary, wonderful, and amazing this feeling is — I’m a mom. There are no words and if you’re a mother, you know exactly what I mean. Despite it all, (sleepless nights, dirty diapers, feeding schedule etc…) I wouldn’t change it for the world and I would go through my pregnancy all over again. I am so happy and in love with my son.

I gave birth to a beautiful and handsome baby boy on January 9th 2014.  His name is Jace Y. Hernandez.  Isn’t he just adorable.  He is mine, all mine. 😉

JaceHe is now almost two months old, time is flying by (father time, please slow down) I don’t want too miss a single second.  Here is my little big guy now, so handsome.

photo-6It’s amazing how much he changes by the day but he definitely has my eyes. Baby looks like mommy but shhh don’t tell his daddy. 😉  It’s still an ongoing debate. JAJA

To my mother, YOU WERE RIGHT! It’s an amazing, incredible, and indescribable feeling and now I know. Thank you for being my support.  I love you very much.

Looking forward to a new journey and adventure with my son.  Let’s Go!

Until next time.. Ciao