God’s creation…

There is nothing more beautiful than catching a rainbow after some rain. God’s creation, nothing more beautiful.

Here, then, are a few of my random shots.


Seeing a rainbow instantly makes me smile.  Do you?

Until later.. ciao

Flawless baby…

When you hear words like flawless, beautiful, and gorgeous from strangers, you immediately feel great, right!? What if, when you looked at yourself in the mirror or caught your reflection you said those words to yourself? Can you imagine the impact it would have on your day? Your self-esteem? Try it, I challenge you.


There is nothing more powerful than words but the right words can change your attitude, change the way you even look at yourself. It doesn’t matter how you feel when you wake up, just look at yourself and tell yourself something positive. Anything…

“You’re beautiful.”
“You’re flawless, baby.”
“You got it going on.”
“Hi Sexy”

Remember, attitude is everything!

Smile, you sexy thing!

Until next time…Ciao

Taking a little time travel…

I can’t believe I wrote my first blog in November 2011. Yes, 2011, it’s been almost three years. That’s just insane. I’ve spent a few hours today re-reading and reliving the emotions of my blogs. I came across a few that I immediately thought “What was I thinking?” and others brought tears to my eyes. I felt like I was writing them for the first time all over again. I even wrote two short stories: Amor {Love} Chapter I – Chapter IV ; Obsession Part I – Part V.  I’m very proud of myself for writing those stories, I hit some writers block along the way but I was able to over come the mental block and finish them. I even considered rewriting the ending of Obsession, due to harsh criticism but I’m happy I did not. Perhaps, the next stories will be better, you’ll have to wait and read.

I noticed there are gaps in between months as I scrolled down and then I realized that during the most important time of my life, I didn’t write my experiences and feelings during my pregnancy.  I remember going through so many emotions, up and down.  It was the most amazing and beautiful time of my life.  I’m getting teary eyed just thinking about it.  That’s my cue to stop…

Until next time…Ciao



My little guy


Time flies when you’re having fun. Fun, being a mother that is… and this is just the beginning.

My life is amazing and so wonderful with my little guy. He completes me, completes us.

As I sit here and look back at almost eight months worth of baby pictures, I’m in total awe. Where has time gone?  My baby is growing so fast, too fast.

Here are just a few pictures of my gorgeous baby boy, Jace. He speaks through his eyes and his smile.

A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.

Until next time.. Ciao